Koji OS?

opušteno ćaskanje o mobilnim telefonima

Koji je bolji?

Ukupno glasova: 74

Postovi: 11610
Pridružio se: Sub, 27. Jan 2007. 20:58
:: Note 8 DS
Lokacija: Novi Sad

Post od Azimuth »

deksicom, ono na sta je antec mislio je MNP i da ce pokusavati na sve nacine da privuku korisnike koji ce se setati od jednih do drugih...

Postovi: 11662
Pridružio se: Pon, 13. Mar 2006. 23:35
:: iPhone 14 Pro Max
Lokacija: Subotica

Post od miodrage »

telep, ajde da vidim tog koji ga sije. Drugar je uzeo Desire preko Vip-a, uzeo sam malo da ga cackam. Kako bi Miškoni rekao, ne mazi mi ruku na taj nacin na koji sam navikao :D
Salu na stranu, ovaj ortak je zaista potkovan, tako da je dosta nabacao aplikacija, nije ga jos rootovao, stavio je najnoviji Android u njega, i telefon zaista lepo radi. Ali, nije mi to to. Nije to neka privrzenost, nego je slepa zaljubljenost da se tako izrazim :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ceterum censeo, Androidam delendam esse!

Postovi: 2210
Pridružio se: Pon, 22. Okt 2007. 04:23

Post od telep »

miodrage, Pa dobro to što se tebi ne sviđa ni jedan drugi nije tačno da nema boljih telefona.
Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus 64GB
Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus 64GB
Nexus 7 32GB 2013 White

Postovi: 11662
Pridružio se: Pon, 13. Mar 2006. 23:35
:: iPhone 14 Pro Max
Lokacija: Subotica

Post od miodrage »

Jesam li ja i jednom jedinom recju rekao da nesto nije dobro i da ne valja? Nigde ja tako nesto nisam spomenuo, samo da je za mene iOS trenutno najbolji. To ne znaci da se to ne moze promeniti u neko skorije vreme... mada za sada cisto sumnjam.
Ceterum censeo, Androidam delendam esse!

Mobil fan
Mobil fan
Postovi: 456
Pridružio se: Pet, 08. Maj 2009. 18:06

Post od Marko_NS »

iOS. Najfluentniji, najveci broj aplikacija, sa a4 procesorom radi neverovatno brzo, sve lepo izgleda, sve je funkcionalno, sve radi onako kako je zamisljeno.
iPhone 4.

Postovi: 3571
Pridružio se: Uto, 23. Jan 2007. 03:10
Lokacija: Casablanca

Post od bestboy »

Нисам нешто расположен за расправу. :P
Рећи ћу само да сваки од наведених ОС (тренутно је изузетак Bada ОС али вероватно ће то бити сређено ) може да се пролагди потребама већег дела корисника.
Сад од личних афинитета зависи и избор једног од њих. Битно је да је фон - смартфон :)
Слобода или смрт

Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1713
Pridružio se: Pon, 07. Jan 2008. 08:14
:: Samsung Galaxy S4
:: Nokia 808
Lokacija: Niš

Post od jerkann »

bestboy, lepo receno nema sta. Sve ostalo je vec receno i opet se pisu isti "argumenti" za neki OS, a onda ostali "kontra argumente" i tako u nedogled tj. dok se tema ne lockuje.

Dream Weaver
Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1930
Pridružio se: Sre, 10. Nov 2004. 02:45
:: Xiaomi Mi Max 2
Lokacija: BGD,Dorćol

Post od Dream Weaver »

tomas.hokenberi, sad sam video na jednom forumu odakle skidam programe i igrice za simbijan, WM i druge OS , da ima Route 66 za Bada OS tj. Wave-a.

Kazu da radi navigacija OK. 8)
and justice for all...

Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1366
Pridružio se: Ned, 17. Jan 2010. 22:07
:: nobody know
Lokacija: Zrenjanin

Post od skar »

kako da govorimo o OS,a da zanemarimo proizvodjace,pa oni su ti koji nam najbolje docaraju neki od OS,tipa android je najbolji na HTC,simbian na NOKIA..i tako..
Ja samo mogu reci da sam koristio wave,i radi bolje od bilo kog telefona do sad,ne svijda mi se bada interfejs jer je verna kopija iOS-a,nadam se da ce da naprave svoj interfejs :unsure:
mada kazem da wave nema tako dobre hardwerske mogucnosti,badu ne bi pogledao!

Postovi: 3758
Pridružio se: Uto, 30. Avg 2005. 07:56
:: Huawei P20 lite DS
Lokacija: Dunavska obala

Post od Lobachewsky »

Malo materijala za diskusiju :wink: Verovatno su se neke stvari promenile umedjuvremenu, ali evo neka ga ovde.
10 things iPhone phones do better than the Android

1. UI Smoothness and Consistency.

Android has tried its hand at a smooth UI, and it has very recently gotten smooth and responsive kinetic scrolling, a feat that took a whopping 1Ghz processor and 512MB of RAM to complete on the same level as the iPhone. Android also FINALLY got pinch-to-zoom working properly. However, there are still many other inconsistencies and unintelligent disconnects in Android's UI programming.

For example, there are slight transitions in some places, like bringing up the keyboard (though it's a janky transition at best), and in other places, like opening an app or even rotating in the browser, there are no transitions. It feels very cheap and so outdated.

Top it off with Android's stock UI (and therefore third-party applications following their UI cues) being overall less attractive, and I think you understand what I'm saying.

2. International / Language Support & Soft Keyboards

It's very clear that Google's priority is the United States. For whatever reason, they have left many popular languages completely unsupported in Android.

iPhone supports many more languages along with specific input methods used by the people who speak those languages. (i.e. Kana and hand-writing input for Japanese, hand-writing for Chinese as well)

There may be third-party solutions, but you can't guarantee the quality they would present, nor would a user who needs them have them available upon purchasing the device.

3. Accessibility Options

iPhone OS has a host of accessibility options for those with bad eyesight to better use the device. Using a three finger tap and drag, you can zoom in however much you like in any part of the OS. You can also invert the screen for black-on-white reading, which can be toggled by triple-clicking the home button (when enabled).

4. Media

It's no secret that the iPhone is a media powerhouse. Its large internal storage makes for faster reading of media content as well as not having to buy often expensive micro-SD cards to get substantial (16-32GB) storage.

The iPod app has many more functions than Android's media applications, and can even be used with voice activation without taking the phone out of your pocket. Couple this with genius features, the ever-popular iTunes store with a free song every week and even TV Show and Movie downloads, and the iPhone is the clear choice for media buffs.

5. Browser Consistency

Even in Android 2.2 (Froyo), where they supposedly now have the "world's fastest browser on a mobile phone", the browser is still not completely accurate. When loading many full pages, it's clear that Android still has problems interpreting the code properly, as many areas are not properly formatted and end up looking much less similar to a desktop browser's interpretation.

When you double-tap on an item in iPhone OS, it zooms in exactly so that you can clearly see / read the item you tapped on. On Android, it zooms to the middle of that item, so if it's a wide block if text, you will have to zoom out after double-tapping in order to make it fit exactly and begin reading / viewing the item. I use double-tap-to-zoom every day, and to me this would take away the entire purpose of the function.

6. Battery Life

When the iPhone was first released, it was trashed for its battery life. However, over the last few years Apple has taken the time to really optimize iPhone OS for conserving battery life and it shows. The iPhone 3GS can stand up against the best of them today in terms of battery life, when similar tasks are performed.

Android is not properly optimized for maximum battery life, leaving new, high-end devices such as the Evo 4G with unsatisfactory battery life.

7. Resource Efficiency

Watch a video from any of YouTube's biggest tech reviewers/bloggers comparing the HTC Incredible, a brand new device featuring a 1Ghz snapdragon processor and 512MB of RAM, to the iPhone 3GS, a year-old device with a 600Mhz processor and 256MB of RAM.

It's no secret the iPhone is slightly slower than the HTC Incredible, but what's impressive is that it's really not much slower, while having almost half the specs, and it gets significantly better battery life.

This is because the iPhone is much more efficient with its resources, much like Mac OS is more efficient with RAM and processor power than Windows PCs tend to be.

8. Hardware Quality

The iPhone 3GS is a great machine. It doesn't break easily, the screen doesn't easily scratch or become damaged, it can handle being dropped from a fair distance, and it feels very solid. The buttons are responsive, the screen is the most responsive multi-touch screen on the market, and its minimalistic style looks much better to most people.

These front-running Android devices tend to always have at least one major hardware flaw. Let me list a few that I know from flagship Android devices:

Nexus One - AMOLED screen makes it extremely difficult to view any content outside, Screen likes to randomly break because it's "not meant to be in pockets", capacitive buttons are unresponsive for the lower 75% of each button.

Incredible - AMOLED screen makes it extremely difficult to view any content outside, Battery life is unsatisfactory compared to the 3GS despite the AMOLED screen which is actually supposed to conserve battery.

Evo 4G - Battery life is unsatisfactory, phone itself is slightly too large for one-handed use (very difficult to hit each end of the screen while using one hand), Camera lens sticks out too far and feels like it could easily become damaged.

9. Upgrading Firmware

When you buy a currently available iPhone, you know you'll be able to get the next software update for free, the day it is released, without having to hack the phone or do anything regular consumers wouldn't be comfortable with doing.

As it stands with Android, hardware manufacturers are not required to promise consumers any further updates with the hardware, and even when they do promise an update, sometimes they decide not to deliver (see Samsung and the Behold II). There is no guarantee your phone will ever get an official update.

Some people will say the iPhone OS platform is fragmented as well, because the first-gen iPhone won't get 4.0, and the iPhone 3G will not get multitasking. However, the first-gen iPhone is going into it's fourth year, and you can't expect Apple to support a device they haven't even sold in 2 years forever. Which updates did the G1 receive before Google said it would never be updated again? Let's check - 1.x - 2.1.
The iPhone? 1.x - 3.x . That's a big difference. Regarding the iPhone 3G not getting multitasking, be honest, if you've jailbroken your 3G and tried out multitasking, you KNOW why Apple is not officially supporting that. It's not a good experience, and Apple wouldn't be able to provide the seamless and self-managed multitasking experience as they can on the 3GS and this year's hardware.

10. App Store

Do I even need to say it?

People tend to focus on the fact that the Android Marketplace has expanded, claiming that it is growing faster than the iPhone App Store. In fact, this couldn't be further from the truth. During the same time that Android gained approximately 30,000 "apps" (many of which are simply keyboards, tweaks, or other add-ons which are not actually applications in themselves), iPhone's App Store gained 100,000 apps, and is now at a whopping 200,000, growing every day. Also you must factor in that the iPhone App Store would probably MUCH larger right now were it not for the approval process, which is sometimes good (in the case of removing porn and repetitive apps), and sometimes bad (in the case of censoring art), and sometimes... AT&T.

The quality of applications between the two stores (App Store and Android Marketplace) are practically two different worlds. Let's be honest, the design of Android apps is really not very good, except when it's ported directly from its iPhone counterpart. Android developers are starting to get a little better at this, but there isn't as much incentive on Android as there is on iPhone to design a great app for a couple of reasons:

1: Money. The App Store is a much more lucrative ecosystem for developers, because of the number of users actively purchasing applications and using iPhone OS devices around the world. Also, Android users more often just expect things to be free, and are less willing to pay for things.

2: Recognition. Apple holds design awards every year for iPhone applications, so there is a huge incentive to design the best app you can in hopes that you will be featured for one of these awards, in which case your app sales will skyrocket and your company will develop much higher standing in the community.

I just thought it wouldn't be fair for Gizmodo to publish such an article with no counterpart... Then again, they have really become the "we hate Apple" blog ever since they illegally purchased stolen property and exploited it for a news story.
10 things Android phones do better than the iPhone

1: Browsing

Let me first say I do like the Safari browser on the iPhone. It’s fast, it’s reliable, it’s stable. But flexible? Flash? Monopolistic? Yes Safari is the only browser for the iPhone, and that browser still does not do Flash. However, the Android browser is one of the best browsers on the mobile market. On my HTC Hero, I have Opera Mini, Dolphin, and the default Browser. I haven’t used Opera Mini since I used it a couple of times upon installation. Dolphin is outstanding, with its use of Tabs and Gestures. But the default Android browser just can’t be beat. It usually loads pages faster than Safari, has Flash support, and simply does everything a browser should do.

2: Desktop

Instead of just having icons littering your phone’s desktop (like the iPhone), the Android phone adds widgets to the desktop. These widgets tend to have an actual purpose. For example:

The Twitter Widget allows you to update your Twitter status from your mobile desktop.
The People Widget allows you to enable different actions for different contacts right from your desktop (say you want to call your wife with a single click and text your child from a single click).
The Messages Widget allows you to instantly see your email from the desktop.
The Android desktop is on a completely different level from the iPhone desktop. To compare them is actually unfair. Apples to Éclairs as it were.

3: Connectivity

On one of the “pages” of my Hero desktop, I have four buttons:

*Turn on/off bluetooth
*Turn on/off Wifi
*Turn on/off Mobile Network
*Turn on/off GPS

These buttons let you instantly switch on or off the various connectivity options, which will go a long way toward conserving battery life. There is also an app in the Market called Y5, which will turn off Wi-Fi automatically when no known wireless network is available. To do any of this on the iPhone, you have to go into the Settings screen and navigate your way around the various options.

4: PC connection

Unlike the iPhone, you don’t need to have iTunes to manage your phone. Now, I say this with a bit of a chewed-up tongue because Android can’t sync with the Linux desktop yet. That’s okay for now. But Android can mount the SD card so that it is usable (via drag and drop) by any operating system. On this you can add music and files, which will then be usable on the phone. Simple.

5: Multi-notification

One of the issues I’ve always had with the iPhone is its notification system. Basically, it depends upon a single system that not all applications have access too. For instance, if you are a Twitterer, you can find out if you have updates only by opening the Twitter app on the iPhone. With Android, the apps have access to the notification system and can all report. The notification bar on the Android phone can alert you to new voice messages, email messages, Facebook notifications, new Gmail, new text messages, and much more. If an app has a notification, it can let you know quickly, and in the background.

6: Endless personalization

I hesitate to place this on the list because so many readers seem to think user-configuration is worthless. It’s not. The Android phone allows users to configure their mobile to look and behave exactly how they want it. If you’re a social network power user, you can have a screen for Facebook, one for Twitter, one for texting, and one for Flickr. Or if you are a business user, you can have a screen for contacts, for your calendar, for gmail, for email, for RSS, and more. Not only can you configure the desktop the way you want, you can configure the behavior of your phone. Set up default actions for different contacts — even add an entirely different desktop, should you want. The possibilities are endless with the Android phone. With the iPhone, you’re pretty much limited to what Apple says.

7: Market

Yes, Apple has an app for that. But so does Android. And chances are, the Android app is free and works as well (or better) than the iPhone app. And, believe it or not, there are thousands of apps in the Android Market. Apple does not (at least yet) have a patent on an application for just about everything. Give it time though. And installing applications on your Android phone is actually easier than it is on the iPhone. For free applications, you don’t have to worry about entering a password every time you try to install anything. And you do not have to link to Apple’s iTunes store to purchase applications from the Android Market. For those apps that have a price, you enter your information on the Google Market one time and you’re done.

8: Google integration

This one is almost not fair, since Android was built with the intention of integrating with Google. But wow does it integrate well. Want to search Google? Simply click the search button, enter your search string, and you’re off and running. Did I mention Google Voice? Yes, the Android has an app for that.

9: Open Source

Why does being open make Android better than iPhone? For the same reason that being open helps Linux: a planet full of developers with the ability to aid Android’s developers. Anyone can get access to the source of Android to better the system. This is also a double-edged sword, in that it allows those will less-than-ideal intentions to discover any weakness of the phone. But that can be seen as an indirect plus because when weaknesses are found in the open source community, they are quickly fixed. I assume that this tradition will extend to the Android phone. iPhone open? You’re kidding right?

10: Open to carriers

This is yet another reason why Android is superior. If you want an iPhone (at least for the time being), you better be open to AT&T. If you don’t like AT&T and you still want an iPhone, you better be open to doing a little jail breaking or move to another country. If you want an Android phone, you can join any number of carriers and have your choice of any number of outstanding phones using Android. No lock down.
Vip Neo 3 + Vip Net 100 GB, dual sim

AnGeL oF LoVe
Mobil stručnjak
Mobil stručnjak
Postovi: 958
Pridružio se: Čet, 23. Mar 2006. 22:18
:: Note 4
:: Note 10 lite
Lokacija: Vidi se po grbu

Post od AnGeL oF LoVe »

Koristim telefon sa android os ali sam glasao za symbian platformu jer sam mogao naci sve potrebne aplikacije,sto nije slucaj kod androida.(Primer-Nema upotrebljivog diktafona.)Android ima ogroman broj programa ali mnogo beskorisnih.Mislim da ce u buducnosti android biti broj 1 O.S-em.
LG G2 Black,16GB

V.I.P. MobilniSvet.com
V.I.P. MobilniSvet.com
Postovi: 4478
Pridružio se: Sub, 11. Jun 2005. 22:52
Lokacija: Ovde

Post od araphel »

AnGeL oF LoVe, imaš fabrički diktafon, koji je sasvim upotrebljiv. barem ja na Desire, 2.2 official, ga imam. I sasvim lepo radi.

Akcionar Mobilnog Sveta
Akcionar Mobilnog Sveta
Postovi: 15735
Pridružio se: Pet, 23. Nov 2007. 18:14
:: HUAWEI P40 Pro +
:: HUAWEI P40 Pro

Post od Sale_M »

Lista sto se mojih afiniteta tice :
1.Symbian, o daa :P 8)
4.jabuke na cetvrtom mestu :D

XIAOMI Mi 11 midnight grey
HUAWEI P40 Pro classic black
HUAWEI P40 Pro + ceramic white
HUAWEI P30 Pro breathing crystal
XIAOMI Redmi Note 10 Pro onyx grey
HUAWEI P20 Pro twilight violet

Redovni učesnik
Redovni učesnik
Postovi: 122
Pridružio se: Ned, 21. Nov 2010. 11:41
Lokacija: Srbija

Post od Win6.1x »

Windows Mobile 6.1 je po meni bio na vrhuncu.Vec verzija 6.5 nije licila ni na dobar `mini PC` zbog krupnih menija,te glupog start menija,cudno uradjenog Today Screena.Sto je se kasnije popravilo Manilama,budzenjem startnog menija...Uglavnom ja ostajem na Windows Mobile 6.1 platformi do njene smrti : ) Zasto ? pa verujem da je vec do sada sto se tice softvera,sve moguce i nemoguce izmisljeno... Skype support,MSN,Facebook,dobri Web klijenti,dobra E-Mail podrska,Office 2010,odlicni multimedijalni programi,dobri fajl menadzeri,FTP,sve zivo..da ne nabrajam dalje...Ja uz Windows ostajem do kraja.Smatram ga i dan danas najboljim OS-om.Ima odlicnu ponudu softvera,bice jos dugo aktuelan jer iza njega stoji dobar deo fanova,te velika XDA developers zajednica.Koristio sam veoma dugo Symbian,Windows Mobile,koristio sam i Android,drug ima Iphone,za sve zadatke mi je bio najbolji Windows Mobile.Prvo zato sto je slican kao PC,drugo na Windowsu i kad nesto ne radi,moze se srediti,ROM-ovi se kuvaju novi svakih 10 minuta ;) ... HTC je mnogo toga ispravio na vremesnoj Win Mobile platformi.Glupo je sto Microsoft nije brinuo o sopstvenom OS-u,verzija 6.5 mu je bila prilicna glupost,jer je predstavljala Finger Friendlu varijantu 6.1 koja nije nicemu sluzila...Posle mozda 50 probanih rom-ova,prilicno sam siguran da cu jos dugo koristiti HTC Tytn2 ,jer ima zaista sve sto mi moze u zivotu zatrebati :) Licno sam kuvao romove i prisutan sam na XDA developers i znam da ce Windows jos dugo da zivi.Android ce verovatno pobediti,zbog ogromne podrske jakih firmi,te vece otvorenosti,ali uopste ne vidim da je to ista posebno dobar OS.Cak sam ga pored smorenog tattoo-a ,probao i butovati na TyTn 2,te me nije nista impresionirao.Windows 6.1 zahteva puno zezanja sa olovkom,nemoguce je nabosti prstima,ali ... ljudi ce ga uvek voleti zato sto je on jedini Pocket PC,a ne `telefon`.

Dream Weaver
Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1930
Pridružio se: Sre, 10. Nov 2004. 02:45
:: Xiaomi Mi Max 2
Lokacija: BGD,Dorćol

Post od Dream Weaver »

Win6.1x, svaka cast!! :wink:

I meni je win mob. nekako najbolji tj. najvise mi lezi....
and justice for all...

Redovni učesnik
Redovni učesnik
Postovi: 122
Pridružio se: Ned, 21. Nov 2010. 11:41
Lokacija: Srbija

Post od Win6.1x »

@Dream Weaver pa da.Windows Mobile je provereno dobar sa ogromnom softverskom podrskom.Nema razloga napustati ga,ako vec sve sto ti treba postoji ,te je to usput i kvalitetno,a programi za Windows Mobile su prilicno kvalitetni.Kapiram da ogroman broj ljudi nije ni cuo za Android,a presli su na njega jer je to nesto `fensi`,kao novo.Po meni,treba neki OS ,da bude zaista za stepenicu vise,da bi se prelazilo na njega.Dotle ziveo dobri stari Windows Mobile OS : ) Neko je gore rekao da je najbolji OS za HTC Android.Treba prebrojati modele koje je HTC napravio i dan danas i u proslosti za Windows Mobile : )

Dream Weaver
Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1930
Pridružio se: Sre, 10. Nov 2004. 02:45
:: Xiaomi Mi Max 2
Lokacija: BGD,Dorćol

Post od Dream Weaver »

Na zalost mikrosoft je batalio WM 6.x i presao na 7icu ali sta je tu je :cry:

Verovatno ce android uskoro biti najrasprostranjeniji OS ali i verovatno cu preci na njega jednog dana ali do tad :D
and justice for all...

Redovni učesnik
Redovni učesnik
Postovi: 122
Pridružio se: Ned, 21. Nov 2010. 11:41
Lokacija: Srbija

Post od Win6.1x »

puno sam diskutovao o Windows 7 na XDA,vrteo YT,ali ... ne svidja mi se.Intefejs jeste zanimljiv,internet surfovanje je podignut na visi nivo,multimedija je bolja... ali ruzan je do bola :D Plus,`today` ne lici ni na sta.Kao neki image preview :) bezvece ... Sa Windowsom sam od 2000te.Prosao sam 2000/2002/2003/6/6.1 a 7 iako mi srecan broj cu da preskocim :D Siguran sam da ce 6.1 i sledecih 2-3 god biti dovoljan :)

Mobil stručnjak
Mobil stručnjak
Postovi: 854
Pridružio se: Pon, 04. Jun 2007. 19:46
Lokacija: beograd

Post od kefalo »

Koji ti fon furas.
Ja se slazem, da je sve sto od programa moze da unapredi funkcionalnost vec napravljeno na WM.
Ipak telefon ima neka svoja ogranicenja, i nesto novo sto do sada nije napraljeno za postojece OS, nece ni biti pravljeno.
Sve se to vrti oko sitnica.
Doktor Foster, krenuo za Gloster u vrijeme strasne kise.... U baru je stao, do pasa propao u Gloster ne ide vise....
SE W950+senheiser sluske, MOto F3

Redovni učesnik
Redovni učesnik
Postovi: 122
Pridružio se: Ned, 21. Nov 2010. 11:41
Lokacija: Srbija

Post od Win6.1x »

furam HTC TyTN 2 trenutno.pa da ... slazem se.Samo sto jos nisam video neke novine na drugim OS.Sve to vec manje-vise ima na WM.Nije da ja nesto branim Microsoft,samo sto je ipak Windows Mobile (ex pocket pc) vise OS za PDA uredjaje,vise nego sto on nesto briljira u telefonskim funkcijama :) E sad sve zavisi,Pocket PC platforma se pojavila kao resenje prvo na obicnim PDA,bez telefonskih funkcija,pa se kasnije preslo i na telefone bez unapredjenja bitnih ...Zato je Microsoft po meni najgori od svih OS za telefone,ali najbolji je bio za PDA.
