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Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Pet, 16. Nov 2012. 02:15
od Sale_M
Evo nekih spekulacija za neke od stvari koje ce biti promenjene sa ovim updateom,preuzeto sam Gsmarene

Current Windows Phone 7 owners might have to wait until Q1 of next year to get their 7.8 update, but at least now we have some idea of what the update will bring. Microsoft officially promised a WP8-like start screen with resizable tiles, but leaked in-house training materials from Nokia give more details.

The lock screen will be customizable - users can pick an app to update the lockscreen periodically, something that sounds a lot like WP8's Live Apps service.

Internet Explorer will be updated with enhanced security, but it seems like Windows Phone 7.8 will keep using IE9 and won't get IE10. Another perk of the updated OS will be the MP3 editor that can be used to create ringtones out of songs. There will be more system colors available too, for a total of 20.

Phone makers will be adding their own touches to the 7.8 update. Nokia, for example, will add support for sharing media files over Bluetooth (for non-DRM protected files), update the Contacts Transfer app and enhance the ringtone editor.

Windows Phone Italy's Facebook page also promised support for Rooms (a new feature in WP8), SmartGlass and Xbox Music.

We shouldn't have to remind you that neither leaked training materials nor Facebook posts are particularly solid information, but until Microsoft officially spills the beans on the Windows Phone 7.8 changelog, it's all we have to go on.

Bilo bi lepo da izmene neke bitnije nedostatke,da privuku kupce i za ovu prvu seriju Windows telefona.
Iskreno,ja sam jos ranije razmisljao o lumia 800,e ako ih malo softverski srede bice super. :)

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Pet, 16. Nov 2012. 05:56
od Demian
Nesto sada napinju oko tog updata !!! Bili su obecali da ce se desiti u decembru pa sam sada negde procitao da su svi izgledi da ce se desiti u 1/4 2013 !!!
Sestra mi ima lumiu 710 I stalno mi kuka kako ne moze da prebacuje blututom nista sem kontakata pa se I ja sada interesujem za ovaj update ! Samo da ne bude u martu 2013... !?!?

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Pet, 16. Nov 2012. 15:17
od Sale_M
Ma ne znam sto odlazu toliko,moguce da ne bi ugrozili malo 920 i 820 ako previse stvari isprave,mada i to je pitanje.Kad bi sto pre uklonili najvaznije nedostatke kao sto su slanje fajlova i slicne mozda bi privukli mnoge nove korisnike,ukljucujuci i mene :)

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Pon, 19. Nov 2012. 16:17
od skar
hm,pa ne znam sta da reknem,mislim da je prvobitna prica i bila da se sa pojavljivanjem wp8 izbaci i 7.8 :x
al sad vidim da se ne zna ko koga tu,sto se tice lumia 710 na xda odavno imaju 7.8 romovi da se flesnu i to ide bas lako..
jedino bas ako nikad nisi radio onda nemoj da se zezas jer ako je ubijes tesko ce ti je neko podici...
Ja sam i dalje zagrejan iako sam imao lumia 800,sad bi mozda uzeo 900,radi osetno veceg njima nikako da padne cena

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Pon, 19. Nov 2012. 19:43
od Sale_M
Evo jos vesti sa gsmarene...

Nokia can't (or more likely doesn’t want to) keep Windows Phone 7.8 info under wraps - new info coming from the "head of Nokia Asia Pacific Developer" suggests we will see the update much sooner than the previously rumored Q1 2013 timeframe.

Microsoft never really announced a solid launch date for the update, which caused all this guessing.

Anyway, the WP7.8 update was reportedly RTMed and it should start rolling out in a few days to weeks. This comes soon after the leaked Nokia materials that detailed what changes the update will bring (Microsoft was vague on this one too).

Windows Phone 7.8 will not be the end of it though - another rumor (this one coming from Nokia Germany) suggests there will be another update for the first generation of Windows Phone handsets (the ones not getting WP8).

The rumor doesn’t offer any more info, but that there might be an update at all is quite interesting in itself. Microsoft made a commitment of supporting WP8 devices for at least 18 months after they're released, but it would be nice to see it hasn’t forgotten about the users it attracted with WP7.

Mozda se i ne bude cekalo toliko na update...

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Pon, 19. Nov 2012. 19:55
od misadjole
ti kao dugogodišnji wp korisnik mozes da odgovoris na par pitanja. zanima me par stvari, pošto generalno wp 7 više nije na ceni, a stize i wp8...

-može li mu se namestiti tastatura za kucanje sms-ova kao kod obicnih telefona 2 (abc), 3(def)...?
-može li da deli 3g internet preko wifi-ja i preko usb-a (tethering)?
-da li nokia mape rade preko gps (ili koriste internet) i koliko su upotrebljive u odnosu na IGO?
-koliko je generalno izdrzljivija baterija u odnosu na android?
-programi iz office paketa, da li sadrze upotrebljiv pdf citac (koji ima word wrap). koliko je dobar njihov mail (na androidu je problematican hotmail i ubacivanje poslovnog mail-a, rad sa attachmentima)?
-i meni bitna stvar excel, koliko je mocniji u odnosu na android (npr doc to go), da li je moguce odraditi print preko wifi-ja, print selection (nekog dela excela), print u pdf...?
-kazu da ne postoji file explorer ili tako slicna aplikacija, zar je moguce?

i ako se setis, dodaj jos nesto?

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Uto, 20. Nov 2012. 11:35
od iLuka
evo i nekih novosti sa gsmarene o vasim update-ovima... ... s-5098.php

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Sre, 30. Jan 2013. 21:15
od Sale_M

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Sre, 30. Jan 2013. 22:26
od Baraba
Sale_M, sad mož da uzmeš Lumia 800, dobila je update :lol:

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Pet, 01. Feb 2013. 23:09
od miodrage
Danas stavio zeninu Lumiu710 na komp da uradim update, ali njet, jos uvek daje phone is up to dated :smutny: Bedak :cry:

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Ned, 03. Feb 2013. 22:20
od skar
zasto ne uradis force update.kad krene da trazi update,raskaci internet kabal na koji sec,i vrati ga..
meni je uspevalo,il ako hoces javi se da ga fleshujemo preko nokia care suite.

Re: Windows 7.8 Update

Poslato: Pon, 04. Feb 2013. 10:49
od miodrage
skar, laptop je u pitanju, nema kabl, nego wifi konekciju, pokusavao sam da je ucmekam pa je vrnem, ali nista se ne desava :(