Stranica 1 od 23

Poslato: Sub, 22. Maj 2010. 22:08
od Marko_NS
e, sad sam otkrio launcher pro [prolauncher] beta je, i skroz ga odsad koristim. SAVRSENO. samo jos da mogu Sense UI widgete da ubacim :S

Poslato: Ned, 26. Dec 2010. 10:29
od wucinac
ADW Launcher EX v1.0 +++ ADW Notifier v0.7

ADWLauncher EX. “A new hope”

ADWLauncher EX is based on the ADW.Launcher opensource code with a lot of new additions and improvements, like for example:

* 5 different app drawer styles/behaviors
o 3D Nexus One like applications drawer
o 2 different plain vertical applications drawers styles, the “old one” and a new fast and smooth one
o 2 different Iphone-like horizontal applications drawers, a traditional paginated one and a new one with continuous fling
* Different desktop transitions (8 at the moment): new animations while navigating through your desktop screens. Try them all, they’re crazy!!!
* New Icons configurations/look and feel: Tweak your desktop icons, change its sizes, add coloured backgrounds, change font size, color, etc!
* New fast presets mode: Quickly change the whole desktop configuration by 1 click!
* Editable desktop icons for applications, shortcuts and folders!
* Lots of code improvements
* More, more more to come!!


Poslato: Ned, 26. Dec 2010. 11:19
od tolero
Odlican launcher koristim ga od juce bolji je cak od LauncherPro plus-a.Ima odlicne animacije i dosta tema.

Poslato: Ned, 26. Dec 2010. 11:39
od Draco
Кад смо већ код launchera, изненадио сам се функционалношћу Go Launchera, пошто сам сасвим случајно наишао на њега.
Изгледа да Launcher Pro почиње полако да стагнира, ако не и заостаје... :)

Go Launcher

Go Launcher is an amazing home replacement app for Android.

- Extremely smooth scrolling (vertically and horizontally)
- Convenient popup menu
- Support user defined gesture
- Integerated uninstaller and task killer in app drawer.
- Up to 30 home screens
- Support resizable and scrollable widget.
- User customized icon.

Recent changes:
- Supported dock icon links to a shortcut
- Added 'white list' for task killer
- Added ‘System Persistent' and 'Prevent Force Close' options in advanced settings
- Fixed out of memory crash & duplicated icons issue
- Improved speed of opening app drawer
- Supported traditional Chinese
- Other minor bugs fixed.

Package: com.gau.go.launcher

Slika Slika

Poslato: Ned, 26. Dec 2010. 20:41
od misadjole
Ima li neka aplikacija koja organizuje foldere u meniju (da razdvojim games,app i sl) ili to moram da radim na desktopu a u meniju ne mogu da menjam raspored i da pravim foldere?

Poslato: Ned, 26. Dec 2010. 21:51
od telep
Go launcher može da pravi foldere..........


i opet fali slova.

Poslato: Uto, 08. Mar 2011. 20:59
od wucinac
Launcher 7 (Donate) v1.0.0.33

Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: NEW: Widgets Introduced!! A Windows Phone 7 style launcher for Android.

Slika Slika

Recent changes (v1.0.0.33):
- Widgets introduced! Use add-widget from menu in main screen.
- MDPI devices should be now able to show things in correct scale.

Unlike other current WP7 launchers (Windows Phone Android, Metro UI), this one allows you to properly modify your start screen. Just long press on a tile and drag tile where you want!

Donate version: Ad-free
- 2 x 1 tiles
- Original Windows Phone 7 backgrounds!
- Freely configurable tile colors
- Launcher options are available from Application List (press menu in app list)
- Layout animations
- Animated contacts tile! (still work in progress)

Wave Launcher v1.0.4

Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: NEW: Fully customizable gesture-area!!

Slika Slika Slika

Recently Changed (v1.0.4):
✓ Gesture-area now fully customizable! Long press the gesture-area to customize with a single swipe (both size and location).
✓ Gesture-area long press time is configurable.
✓ Gesture-area is visible in the Calibrate screen, long press functionality is available system-wide.

Wave Launcher is a unique, gesture-enabled, quick action-bar for Android. It resembles a well-known and loved feature on WebOS phones like the Palm-Pre.

Regardsless of any application currently running, you can swipe you finger from the virtual gesture-area at the bottom of the screen towards the middle to show the wave - A fully configurable quick-launch area.

Usage is extremely simple:
1. Touch the very bottom of the screen and slowly swipe your finger up towards the middle of the screen.
2. When you get towards the middle, the wave appears!
3. Without raising your finger, swipe left or right to select the desired application
4. To launch the app, simply raise your finger from the screen.
5. If you changed your mind and don't want to launch anything, simply swipe the wave back to the bottom

Notable features:
✓ The wave can contain any application or shortcut you can add to your home screen.
✓ The wave is accessible anytime, regardless of which application is currently running using a simple gesture!
✓ The wave responds to your finger movement, it changes its shape, icon size, and icon transparency.
✓ Can be enabled by swiping from the bottom, left side or right side of the screen (See the 'calibrate' screen)
✓ Fully independent, doesn't need to replace your home-screen app.
✓ Doesn't interfere with running applications.
✓ Small memory footprint.
✓ Doesn't affect battery-life!
✓ More features coming soon!

Poslato: Pet, 18. Mar 2011. 15:18
od beochke91
Da li neko zna neku aolikaciju kojom se sakrivaju ikonice,ne mora bas svaki ko mi uzme telefon da vidi sta imam!:)

Poslato: Pet, 18. Mar 2011. 16:27
od telep
Bilo koji drugi launcher osim standardnih ima tu opciju, adw launcher, launcher pro, go launcher,......

Poslato: Pet, 18. Mar 2011. 16:45
od araphel
kad smo već kod launchera, koji je po vama najbolji i najfunkcionalniji? Koristim Launcher Pro na Tabu praktično od prvog dana, ali se nisam previše petljao po pitanju menjanja ikonica, tema, bla bla. Vidim da za ADW postoje već spremne teme, ali nisam se upuštao u eksperimentisanje previše. Sad bih malo da menjam stvari, pa me zanima postoji li neki paket ikonica za Launcher pro, ili nešto slično? Raspoložen sam za neki minimalistički dizajn, pa bih da menjam....dajte predloge 8)

Poslato: Pon, 04. Apr 2011. 10:32
od dakiza
Pogledajte ovaj launcher...


Poslato: Pon, 04. Apr 2011. 18:19
od toda81
Veoma interesantno .

Re: Najkorisnije aplikacije za Android OS

Poslato: Pon, 30. Apr 2012. 11:27
od dragang
Probajte ssLauncher the Original, neverovatan sa bukvalno hiljade mogućnosti. Aplikacija se kupuje ali se naravno moze naci. Preporucio bih verziju ssLauncher the Original v1.52 posto ona radi savrseno.


Re: Najkorisnije aplikacije za Android OS

Poslato: Uto, 01. Maj 2012. 00:53
od pelleruma
Meni su simpaticni i :MX Home Launcher i Lightning Launcher.

Re: Najkorisnije aplikacije za Android OS

Poslato: Uto, 01. Maj 2012. 18:39
od cale
Kad ste već kod launchera,Hi Launcher je simpatičan.
Probajte. :wink:

Re: Najkorisnije aplikacije za Android OS

Poslato: Pet, 07. Dec 2012. 22:25
od antec
Probajte lightning launcher. Zanimljiv je zato sto nema klasicne ekrane nego je moguce skrolovati u svim smerovima i stavljati stvari gde zelite. Prakticno ima neogranicenu radnu povrsinu. I da, veliki je 800 kb :)

Launcher koji koristite, i koji je najbolji?

Poslato: Sub, 27. Apr 2013. 09:48
od blackwhite
Ja koristim trnutno onaj NEXT launcher,odlican je,za personalizaciju ekrana i svega..
Al me zzanima dal ima ,po vama,neki bolji,zanimljiviji?

Re: Launcher koji koristite,i koji je najbolji..

Poslato: Sub, 27. Apr 2013. 09:54
od sugarcoated_ass
Zanimljiviji? Buzz Launcher… aaand there goes next few days of your life. :D

Одг: Launcher koji koristite,i koji je najbolji..

Poslato: Sub, 27. Apr 2013. 16:22
od pelleruma
Upravo danas sam razmisljao o tome.Nabacio sam EZ Launcher

Re: Launcher koji koristite,i koji je najbolji..

Poslato: Sub, 27. Apr 2013. 20:46
od Lino
Apex launcher koristim i zadovoljan sam. :) Dosta dugo sam koristio GO Launcher,ali sam se sada prebacio na Apex pro.