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Smartisan T1

Poslato: Čet, 10. Jul 2014. 05:08
od Green
Nova smart stvarcica iz Kine. Nista revolucionarno, ali svakako zanimljivo. OS baziran na Androidu, koji je "karijeru" zapoceo kao custom ROM za razne Android uredjaje, sada i u posebnom modelu.
A little over a year ago, a fresh Chinese startup by the name of Smartisan ("smart" and "artisan" combined) showed off its first work: the Android-based Smartisan OS. What caught our attention was its truly unique UI and insanely thoughtful UX features, so naturally, we had very high expectations for the company's own hardware back then. At long last, the Smartisan T1 phone was unveiled in front of some 5,000 people -- along with 2.74 million online viewers -- at the two-hour long event earlier this week, and despite the usual flagship-level specs, it was still full of nice surprises. Don't be mistaken: unlike the low-cost, high-end devices from Xiaomi, OnePlus, Nubia and other young Chinese brands, the T1 isn't about affordability; it's positioned as a more premium smartphone with much more differentiation. How so? Read on to find out.

Kompletan tekst: Engadget

Kratak Hands-on video:
