Znate li zašto nema četvorke u imenu telefona?

opušteno ćaskanje o mobilnim telefonima
Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma
Postovi: 6054
Pridružio se: Pon, 05. Jul 2004. 18:20
:: ...

Znate li zašto nema četvorke u imenu telefona?

Post od Green »

Ljudi,jel neko razmisljao o sledecem: Zbog cega Nokia nikad u svoj proizvodni program nije uvrstila telefone s pocetnim brojem 4.Recimo 4120,4250...
Pre nekog vremena sam naisao na tvrdnju da ima veze sa nekim kineskim verovanjem da broj 4 simbolizuje smrt,stradanje ili tako nesto!!? :| :|
Da li je ovo cista izmisljotina,ne znam.Uostalom,za ostatak sveta broj 4 je ipak samo broj.
Zna li neko o cemu se radi??

V.I.P. MobilniSvet.com
V.I.P. MobilniSvet.com
Postovi: 4478
Pridružio se: Sub, 11. Jun 2005. 22:52
Lokacija: Ovde

Post od araphel »

kakve veze imaju kinezi sa nokiom koja j iz finske?Mislim da smo ovde naleteli na neshto natprirodno,to su bre vishe sile u pitanju....ili u najmanju ruku neka zavera.... :D :lol: :D

Shalu na stranu,sad i mene zanima

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma
Postovi: 6054
Pridružio se: Pon, 05. Jul 2004. 18:20
:: ...

Post od Green »

Da,i ja mislim da je malo preterano,ne verujem da je to razlog,mada...Danas je svasta moguce.
Ostaje nam onda samo ta misteriozna cetvorka... :| koje nigde nema a Nokia "skoro" ispucala sve kombinacije s brojevima :wink: :wink:

Mirko BGD
Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1893
Pridružio se: Uto, 01. Jun 2004. 21:46
:: samsung s8 plus
Lokacija: Beograd

Post od Mirko BGD »

Koliko sam ja upucen, serija telefona koja pocinje sa 4 su prototipi modela koji koriste ljudi iz nokie i telefoni koji se prave po narudzbini...

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma
Postovi: 6243
Pridružio se: Uto, 17. Maj 2005. 11:13
:: iphone 11 pro max

Post od iLuka »

jednostavno nokija nije htela da izbacuje modele sa brojem 4 zbog toga sto joj je trziste azije(gde se zaista veruje da je broj 4 simbol smrti) izuzetno znacajno zbog svoje velicine i traznje...

Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1204
Pridružio se: Sub, 18. Jun 2005. 15:07
Lokacija: Pančevo(Sarajevo u srcu)

Post od Zoka »

To što se tiče 4 i verovanja je tačno, znam jer mi je brat u nekoliko navrata čitao o tome iz nekih knjiga...E sad, da li je Nokija u to poverovala...ko zna...ali sve je moguće :roll:

Redovni učesnik
Redovni učesnik
Postovi: 184
Pridružio se: Sre, 06. Jul 2005. 23:33
Lokacija: Novi Sad

Post od Vulle_NS »

xaxaxa,ludi kinezi :) :) :)
Mozda nokia stedi brojeve za neku novu generaciju telefona sa 30mp kamerom :P

Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1674
Pridružio se: Ned, 10. Okt 2004. 16:00
Lokacija: Podgorica

Post od stefank »

Pa dobro ako je stvarno to to onda nije cudno, nije Azija bas malo trziste... :) Ali ovaj... Shta oni onda rade sa brojem 4 pa mora nedje da se spominje, ne mogu da ga zaobilaze stalno... LOL... :lol: (e jesam ga srocio :D )

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma
Postovi: 6054
Pridružio se: Pon, 05. Jul 2004. 18:20
:: ...

Post od Green »

Stefan je potpuno u pravu sto se tice zaobilazenja,ja jos nigde nisam naisao na podatak zasto nema nigde broja 4.Ako nisu hteli na azijsko trziste zbog znacenja broja 4,ne razumem zasto ga nisu ponudili ostatku sveta :? :?
Tu mora da ima nesto,jer Nokia ima telefone sa svim ostalim pocetnim brojevima,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9 :dry:
Sad me bas namerno kopka ovaj slucaj,ako neko nesto nadje nek napise ovde.

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma
Postovi: 6243
Pridružio se: Uto, 17. Maj 2005. 11:13
:: iphone 11 pro max

Post od iLuka »

nije samo slucaj sa mobilnim telefonima nego su cak su isli dotle da u bolnicama nemaju 4.sprat nego posle 3. ide odmah 5. :uhuh: :uhuh: :uhuh:

Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1204
Pridružio se: Sub, 18. Jun 2005. 15:07
Lokacija: Pančevo(Sarajevo u srcu)

Post od Zoka »

luca, u pravu si...Takvo verovanje zaista postoji....A naročito se primenjuje u ustanovama koje život znače, tj. bolnicama, urgentnim centrima, i sl. :blinky:

neaktivan nalog
Postovi: 153
Pridružio se: Uto, 25. Okt 2005. 01:19

Post od Tha_Maddog »

I ja sam se to uvijek pitao...Ako je zbog njihovih vjerovanja a nisu ponudili ostatq planete zakljucak je
jasan-azijati su mnogo uticajni... :) 8)

Slučajni prolaznik
Slučajni prolaznik
Postovi: 2
Pridružio se: Pon, 21. Nov 2005. 10:27

Post od Neom@x »

Definitivno nije baksuzan broj i u kini broj 4 ima cool znacenje, inace to je jedna od najinteresantnijih cifara a evo i odlomak iz knjige "BROJEVI I NJIHOVO ZNACENJE"
*** 4 Four ****
Cultural References
Native American: As in other cultures, ceremonies and ritual acts are repeated in fours. The Native Amercican cultures have used the number 4 most frequently as in the four cardinal directions. The four winds are depicted by the symbol of the cross and by the symbol of the swastika. The swastika as some misbelieve was not created by Hitler. It was instead borrowed from the Native American and occult beliefs of which Hitler had great interests. Hitler derived his "insanity" of power from his misdirected interpretation and use of metaphysical principles. He used knowledge that his human consciousness couldn't possibly understand and the use of this knowledge for personal gain is part of the imbalance that creates the chaos and karma.

Buddhism: The Damba Tree of Life has four limbs and from its roots four sacred streams of Paradise that represent the the four boundless wishes of compassion, affection, love impartiality. It also represents the four directions of the heart as well.

Chinese Buddism: there are four celestial guardians of cardinal points are Mo-li Ch'ing, the East, with the jade ring and spear; Virupaksha, the West, the Far-gazer, with the four-stringed quitar; Virudhaka, the South, with the umbrella of choas and darkness and earthquakes; Vaisravenna, the North, with the whips, leopard-skin bag, snake and pearl.

Chinese: Four is the number of the Earth, symbolized by the square. There are four streams of immortality. Four is even an number. It is Yin in polarity.

Christian: Four is the number representing the body, with three representing the soul. Again we see the theme of the four rivers in Paradise. There are four Gospels, Evangelists, chef arch-angels, chef-devils, four Fathers of the Church, Great Prophets. There are four cardinal virtues--prudence, fortitude, justice, temperance. The are four winds from which the One Spirit is said to come. There are four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Revelation: There four angels standing at the four corners of the Earth, holding back the four winds of the earth (Rev 7:1). The great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language (four-fold description) - Rev 5:9 11:9 13:7 14:6 the four-fold description indicates that these people come from all over the earth.

Egyptian: Four is the sacred number of Time, measurement of the sun. Four pillars support the vault of heaven. There are four canopic jars placed around the dead at the four corners guarded by the four sons of Horus who are associated with the cardinal points. In the Hermetic it is the divine quaternity. It represents God.

Gnostic: belief in Barbelo, the Four-ness of God.

Greek: Four is the sacred number of Hermes.

Hebrew: Four represents measuring; beneficence; intelligence. In the Kabbalah four is memory; four represents the four worlds of the Kabbalah.It also represents the four directions of space and the four levels of the hierarchical organism of the Torah.

Hindu: Four is Totality; plenitude; perfection. Brahma, the Creator is four faced. The temple is based on the four sides of the square, symbolizing order and finality. There are four tattvas the four bodies bodies of human and kingdoms of nature which are animal, vegetable, mineral, mind. There are four yugas. Four is the winning throw of the dice. There are four castes and pairs of opposites.

Islamic: tradition the four terms of the quaternary are the Principle which is Creator; Universal Spirit; Universal Soul; and the primordial matter. These correspond to the four worlds of Kabbalism. There are four angelic beings and four houses of death. There are four levels to the Bardo.

Mayan culture four giants support the celestial roof. Four is seen as the number of support .

Pythagorean: Four is Perfection; harmonious proportion; justice; the earth. Four is the number of the Pythagorean oath. Four and ten are divinities. The Tetraktys 1+2+3+4=10.

Scandinavian: there are four rivers of milk flowing in Asgard.

Sumero-Semitic: Four astral gods are indentified with the four cardinal points.

Teutonic: four dwarfs support the world.

Taoist: There are four celestial guardians, Li, with the pagoda; Ma, with the sword; Cho with two swords; Wen with a spiked club.

Slučajni prolaznik
Slučajni prolaznik
Postovi: 2
Pridružio se: Pon, 21. Nov 2005. 10:27

Post od Neom@x »


Four is the 4th dimension = time which is illusion.
Four is seen as the first solid number. Spatial in scheme or order in manifestation.
Static as opposed to the circular and the dynamic
Wholeness; totality; completion; solid
Earth; order
Rational - relativity and justice
Symbol of measurement

The are four cardinal points; four seasons; four winds; four directions (as in North, South, East, West); four elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) in the western culture.

There are four sides to a square; four arms to a cross.
There are four rivers to Paradise, that formed a cross (the Garden of Eden was said to be within the four rivers).
Within Paradise were four infernal regions, seas, and sacred mountains.
There are four watches of the night and day, quarters of the moon.
There are four quarters to the earth.
There are four tetramorphs.
The Divine Quaternity is in direct contrast to the Trinity.
Four is a symbolic number used throughout in the Old Testament.
The quaternary can be depicted as the quatrefoil as well as the square and the cross.


Jos neto broj 3 u kineskoj kulturi donosi srecu, culi ste da je tel. broj sa nekolko uzastopnih "trica" 333333 prodat za nevidjeno ludu sumu novca. :blinky:

Redovni učesnik
Redovni učesnik
Postovi: 184
Pridružio se: Sre, 06. Jul 2005. 23:33
Lokacija: Novi Sad

Post od Vulle_NS »

p.s.ne znaju druze bas svi osim mene i tebe engleski... :) :D

Mobil manijak
Mobil manijak
Postovi: 1230
Pridružio se: Sub, 05. Nov 2005. 14:51

Post od Dario »

Znaju ne brini se, i tek kako. Nisi valjda mislio da prevede sve ??? Ako jesi onda izvoli.... :D

Koliko sam video ima mnogo hipoteza o tome zasto nemaju ni jedan fon koji pocinje sa 4. Ne bi bilo lose ako je neko raspolozen da baci mail na nokia support pa da pita :)
gallee said: Da li postoji mogucnost da se napravi java aplikacija koja moze da instalira sis i sisx fajlove?
Program bi bio najprodavaniji svih vremena i totalno bi pregazio prednost simbijan modela.

Mobil fan
Mobil fan
Postovi: 321
Pridružio se: Uto, 22. Feb 2005. 21:07

Post od rocK »

bas interesantno pitanje , iako se kasno ukljucujem , ali mislim, kao sto je ovaj gore opsirno napisao , da broj 4 i nije los broj , nego se slazem sa izjavom sa mirka bgd , da se broj 4 koristi kao oznaka prototipova ,ili da ga imaju smamo celnici nokie, ili da br. 4 nose samo mobiteli koji su radjeni po narudzbi , a interesuje me to sto se tice narudzbe , da li se to moze uraditi i da li je skupo posto sam uvijek htjeo napraviti mob po svojjim zeljam , i za kraj, ova diskusija je dobra tema za slijedecu knjigu Dana Browna sa ( predlozenim ) naslovom "Sveti mob,sveti broj;nokiina misterija broja 4" hahahhaa :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
rocK for ever

Redovni učesnik
Redovni učesnik
Postovi: 184
Pridružio se: Sre, 06. Jul 2005. 23:33
Lokacija: Novi Sad

Post od Vulle_NS »

Znaci ovako bez obzira sto nokia ne koristi broj 4 za obelezavanje svojih modela,saznali smo da broj 4 i jeste i nije los broj,da donosi srecu, ali i da ne donosi...Gde je tu istina???
Ko ce da pusti mail nokii? Ljudi ce umreti od radoznalosti

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma
Postovi: 6054
Pridružio se: Pon, 05. Jul 2004. 18:20
:: ...

Post od Green »

Bonus Info: Secret of Nokia Model Numbers While we were talking phones with Nokia, we asked them about their four-digit model numbers that often confuse consumers—and editors—alike.

The official word: Nowadays, only the first digit means anything. The other three just grow as new models are added. 1xxx and 2xxx phones are basic models. 3xxx are "expressions." 5xxx are "active." 6xxx are "classic," 7xxx are fashion phones, 8xxx are "premium" and 9xxx are Communicators. (One thing to note: our prototype 7280 wasn't in the same colors as the final product, which will have a red, rather than green light on the end and a white, rather than red fabric tag hanging off the side.) There are no 4xxx models because the number 4 is considered unlucky in parts of Asia.
Mislim da je ovde ipak sve na kraju objasnjeno,ko je razumeo...Jednostavno broj 4 se ipak smatra nesrecnim u nekim delovima Azije i to je to.Nokia verovatno nije htela da rizikuje i da pusti cetvorku u promet tek tako,jer poznato je koliko je azijsko trziste.
Mada niko ne pita sto ga nema recimo u Evropi,Americi,Australiji,Africi...na Mesecu??? :lol: :lol:

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma
Postovi: 6054
Pridružio se: Pon, 05. Jul 2004. 18:20
:: ...

Post od Green »

Zaboravih da kazem,na netu na ovo pitanje je uvek isti odgovor,licno sam istrazio neke sajtove.Tekst iznet gore je preuzet sa PCMag.com pa nek proveri ako neko hoce.
A kao sto Vule kaze,moze neko i licno da baci mail Nokii o ovome,jos jednom,ko ih bre sisa,milioni ljudi ne veruju da je broj 4 nesrecan,brree!! :D :D
Hocu Nokiu 4560 ili 4220,hehehe... :P :P
